New criminal justice and police reforms to help our communities

This past week, I have introduced two important pieces of legislation that will make progressive changes to our criminal justice and law enforcement systems — and make much-needed changes in our communities in turn.

AB 328 will redirect monies saved by closing California’s prisons to fund housing solutions for people exiting the criminal justice system, in order to break the cycle between homelessness and incarceration.  AB 481 will prevent local law enforcement agencies from purchasing military equipment — used to shut down peaceful protests too many times in recent years — without the approval of local city councils.

These are critical reforms to make much-needed progressive changes in our communities — and live up to our shared San Francisco values. WIll you add your name in support of these two bills by clicking here?

California’s prison population has decreased by tens of thousands in the last year — a positive step as we envision a more progressive future for our criminal justice system, and work to keep all Californians safe from COVID. This reduction could allow us to close at least five prisons by 2025, and save the state up to $1.5 billion. 

But there is a critical next step — because we know that former inmates face homelessness at ten times the average rate in California. We have to ensure that when people exit our prisons, they enter a stable home. 

AB 328 will use a portion of the $1.5 billion saved to house formerly incarcerated Californians who deserve a smooth path to re-entry back into our communities. Can you add your name in support of this historic legislation? 

In recent years, law enforcement agencies across California have treated policing like war — equipping police officers with armored vehicles, drones, explosives, and much more — practices that have had violent impacts on communities of color. 

But our streets in California are not war zones. Our citizens are not enemy combatants. When police are outfitted like an invading military force, it strains community trust, as we saw many times in 2020 and before.  

Local communities should have a say in how they are policed and what they want policing to look like.  Transparency and accountability between police departments and the communities they’re sworn to protect and serve builds trust.  Can you add your name here if you agree? 

We can’t solve our homelessness crisis without making critical investments, and we can’t build community trust in law enforcement without de-militarizing our police. 

Add your name here if you agree — and when you do, please share with 5 friends today.

You can read more about AB 328 by clicking here, and learn more about AB 481 by clicking here.

